It may seem a while ago now since we asked you to answer some questions in the form of a survey and we have been analysing the results and wanted to feedback those results to coincide with the new website coming online.
Thank you to the 48% of you who took the time respond, the national response rate is only 51%, we had 217 male respondents and 41 female.
The way that the results are measured is by way of what is called a ‘Net Promoter Score’, (NPS).
Promoters are the players who have answered 9 or 10 on a 0-10 point scale in relation to whether they would recommend the club to others. Passives have answered 7 or 8, while Detractors has answered 6 or less.
The NPS is calculated as the share of Promoters minus the share of Detractors. Any differences between the above figures and the calculated NPS in the upper left corner are due to rounding.
Our Net Promoter Score came out as +53, the national average in England is +36 so we were quite happy with the results.
The questions were quite wide ranging about every part of the business but one of the more important questioned we asked was whether you would still be a member in two years’ time, 68% of you said that you would against a national bench mark of 61%, 20% said maybe against a bench mark of 20% and 12% said they wouldn’t against a benchmark of 19%. All of these results are positive against the industry average and luckily our recruitment rates for this year have been good too.
There were several areas that the survey highlighted more than once as areas for future consideration;
A few healthy food options on the menu was asked for consideration, this surprised us somewhat having witnessed the constant flow of cheesy chips from the kitchen to the spike bar on a Saturday morning but if healthy is what you want, healthy you shall have. We have started with the easy things such as brown baguettes and wraps which are proving very popular. Further healthy options will appear on the specials board on the bar, so watch this space.
Several of you asked whether some of the competitions that are currently played as a stroke-play format could be changed to be played as stableford format. This is currently on the agenda of the Course and Competition sub-committee and under consideration. The same sub-committee is also looking into the possibility of making more of our competitions available for entry for both male and female members just as the Centenary Slaver is played for currently. Nine-hole qualifying competitions will also be introduced to the schedule in 2020 with a few test events towards the end of the 2019 season.
Overall the golf course received positive feedback. There are a few areas that need attention such as the teeing areas. Some of these are uneven and in need of renovation. Two of these have recently been addressed and the 8th and 16th tees are now a much nicer place to tee off from. We will continue to work round the course and prioritise the tees needing the most improvement first.
Although you felt well informed about issues and developments you felt that the management committee could listen more to suggestions from the membership. To address this point there has been a feature added to our new website that wasn’t available on the old one. If you log in to the members’ area of the website and scroll down the page you will see there is a portal to submit ‘Members Questions & Answers’. Questions will be forwarded to the relevant sub-committee and a response will be received promptly.
Please click here to view a copy of the survey analysis.